Monday, October 28, 2019

Major Causes of Belly Fat!

A big belly is the most difficult to shift and can leave you frustrated and depressed. Belly fat can accumulate due to various causes. Too much belly fat is dangerous and can expose you to greater risks of heart disease, blood pressure and diabetes. So, here is a quick description of the major causes of belly fat you need to watch out for in your lifestyle.

Fast Foods

Fast foods are the most deceptive causes of belly fat. They contribute to a greater percentage of belly fat cases and can prove terrible in the fight against losing the excess fat. Fast foods might be convenient but are full of saturated fats, junk calories, refined carbohydrates and dietary cholesterol. Guess what? All these stuff go through your stomach and end up in the region near your waist.

While in a restaurant, consider ditching junk food and pursue healthier options such as salad. Alternatively, you can avoid fast food restaurants and befriend more grocery stores.

Drinking More Carbonated Drinks

Gulping down one or two cans of soda each day is quite unhealthy. This behavior accelerates the rate of increase of your waistline. The high quantities of sugar in carbonated drinks trigger a more intensive craving for food. You might end up eating more than normal during mealtimes. To avoid build-up of belly fat, consider alternatives like fresh fruit juice, healthy smoothies and pure drinking water.

Dinning Late At Night

Your body might not manage to burn calories effectively whenever you retire to bed on a full stomach. Eating late will cause build-up of belly fat and increase the possibilities of succumbing to indigestion and acid reflux.

To avoid this, consider taking smaller quantities of food at night and never sleep for at least three hours after taking your dinner.

Regular Consumption of Low-Fat Foods

Most people assume that high-fat foods lead to storage of more fats in the belly. Funny enough, monounsaturated fats are not harmful to the body. Beware of low-fat foods since most manufacturers are likely to add a little sugar to them. Thus, the more sugar you ingest in your body, the higher the chances you have to develop belly fat.

Depriving Your Body Adequate Sleep

The level of cortisol hormone increases whenever one fails to get enough sleep. Cortisol is a stress hormone that can lead to more craving for sugary foods. Naturally, adults are expected to rest for seven to nine hours each night. Obtaining the right hours of sleep helps you balance the cortisol levels and enhances production of leptin, a hormone responsible for controlling appetite.

Binge Eating

You are likely to lead yourself to binge eating whenever your emotions are at the peak. Even though you are angry, sad or upset, emotional eating will only turn troublesome and lead to the development of belly fat. Instead of turning to food, consider taking a lot of water when stressed. Alternatively, you can take a relaxing walk or talk to a friend about your condition.

The major causes of belly fat constitute a greater percentage of our lifestyle. Now that you know what to consume and what to avoid, make the necessary healthy lifestyle changes and eliminate belly fat.