Thursday, August 15, 2019

Watch Your Diet, Keep Belly Fat at Bay!

Too much belly fat is a risky health problem facing many people. Often, it is the major cause of common diseases such as diabetes, asthma, dementia and heart disease. But, it is extremely hard-hitting to keep belly fat at bay without experiencing many setbacks. Watching dietary intake is one of the major steps towards eliminating belly fat and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Feed on a balanced diet that is based on nutritious rather than junk foods. Here is a quick guide on foods you need to watch out if you desire to keep belly fat at bay.


1 Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils
Hydrogenated vegetable oils are rich in trans-fats which can damage the cholesterol levels and affect the condition of the heart. Trans-fats are responsible for promoting abdominal weight gain that can lead to the development of belly fat. Common sources of hydrogenated vegetable oils you should avoid include French fries, doughnuts, cakes, crackers cookies and hard margarine. Replace such foods with healthy alternatives like canola oil, olive oil, nuts, avocados and seeds.

2 Refined Grains
Refined grains do not contain the original nutritional content available in whole grain. Thus, they are less satiating and are likely to affect ones appetite as well as the blood sugar level. Regular consumption of whole grains exposes one to lesser risks of belly fat development as compared to refined grains. Avoid refined grains such as low-fiber cereals, instant rice and enriched breads. Instead, replace them with whole-grain alternatives such as oatmeal, brown rice and whole-grain cereals and breads.

3 Sugary foods and drinks
Sugary foods and drinks contribute more calories and a sweet flavor to the body. They contain very little nutrients that aid the body in enhancing proper growth. Thus, they make way for increased development of belly fat, especially when over-consumed. Health experts recommend avoidance of fructose-sweetened beverages such as soft drinks and orange juice.

The high levels of sugar in soft drinks and juice offset the bodys ability to control blood sugar. Also, the high quantities of sugar contained in carbonated drinks can trigger an intensive craving for food. This craving can lead to binge eating and development of belly fat. Common sugar-rich items to avoid include frosting, frozen desserts, candy, pastries and pancake syrup. Replace such foods with vegetables and whole fruits.

4 Fatty Meats and Dairy Products
Fatty meats and dairy products have rich quantities of saturated fat. When ingested exhaustively, they contribute to the development of belly fat. Examples of meats and dairy products with high quantities of saturated fats include pork sausage, organ meats, bacon, lamb, whole milk, fatty steaks, butter and high-fat cheeses. Fried meats and those prepared in high fat sauces also contain heftier amounts of saturated fats. Replace fatty meats and dairy products with protein-rich options like lean poultry, fish, low-fat dairy products and beans.

The only way to keep belly fat at bay is by watching your regular dietary intake. Avoid fast food joints and befriend grocery shops and you will have it easier leading a healthy lifestyle free of belly fat.